EPISODE 144: WOMEN OF THE BIBLE (Be Fruitful, Part 2)


Hannah’s story is found in I Samuel, chapters 1 & 2


On the Sabbath day, we went outside the city walls to the nearby river, assuming that some Jewish people might be gathering for prayer. We found a group of women there, so we sat down and spoke to them. One of them, Lydia, was a business woman originally from Thyatira. She made a living buying and selling fine purple fabric. She was a true worshiper of God and listened to Paul with special interest. The Lord opened her heart to take in the message with enthusiasm. She and her whole household were ceremonially washed through baptism. Lydia said, “If you believe I’m truly faithful to the Lord, please, you must come and stay at my home.” (Acts 16:13-15)


Now one time, the Arameans went out in raiding parties and took a little girl from Israel as their prisoner. The little girl became a servant to Naaman’s wife. The girl said, “If only my master could be near the prophet in Samaria, the prophet there could heal my master’s disease.” Naaman became hopeful, and he went and told his king what the little girl from Israel said. (2 Kings 5:2-4)

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